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Vulva + Vagina = Cupcake


During the Cupcake Noire launch party last Saturday night, I had all of my lingerie clad girlfriends join me for a girls-night-in. Besides condoms, lubricant, sex toys, delectable desserts and bubbly, ladies were encouraged to decorate a cupcake by recreating their vulva using neon marshmallow fondant. (Yes I made the fondant from scratch...channeling my amateur baking talents!) Fondant can be pretty unpleasant depending on who makes it but I really enjoyed this recipe: I just added the neon food coloring before stirring in the confectioners' sugar. To top it off, I bought some tropical Mike and Ike candy for the clitoris and some sprinkles and chopped coconut flakes for an optional landing strip.

Needless to say, it took a few glasses of champagne for the ladies to feel comfortable diving in until someone openly shared a shocking confession, "Is it bad that I don't even know what a vulva IS... let alone LOOKS like!" Instead of the expected "cupcake-shaming" from the fellow black feminists in the room, a few more guests boldly complied via head nods, glass raises, and shoulder shrugs. At this moment, I realized that I'm not the only one who didn't know there was a difference between a vulva and vagina.

Of course this was the perfect time to refer them to my new website for the "Vulva vs. Vagina" link under the Resources tab that walked them through everything (Thanks Planned Parenthood!) Feel free to check it out below:

With this long over due yet enticing information; more sips of sparkling liquid courage; bathroom trips with compact mirrors; and numerous google searches, it was time to represent our vulvas! Now without further adieu, here are some of the yummy cupcake masterpieces:

So to recap: the vulva (or decoration/frosting) consists of the whole female genital package — your labia, clitoris, vaginal opening, and the opening to the urethra. The vagina (or cake-y center) is the muscular tube leading from the external genitals to the cervix of the uterus. For further information regarding female sexual anatomy, please check out the Resources tab on my website:

After such a fabulous evening, my three main take-aways from the launch party were as follows: (1) black women sure know how to make both lingerie and cupcakes look so delicious; (2) I have a new obsession with feathered stilettos; but most importantly (3) regardless of educational background, income, career path, marital status, childbearing status, sexual experience etc., a lot of black women are not familiar with their own bodies. If we aren't able to even point our cupcake out in a line up, how are we capable of maintaining healthy sexual lives on our own terms? Cupcake Noire has a lot of work to do but the ride will definitely be enjoyable.

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