Have you ever eaten certain foods or sipped on certain beverages and wondered why you were feeling all tingly all the way down to your cupcake? Well there's a reason for that... some foods and beverages release particular chemicals that heighten our sexual desires by increasing blood flow to our erogenous zones. Who knew? According to Cosmopolitan magazine, here are some aphrodisiac food and drinks that you should definitely add to your weekly grocery shopping cart...

APPLES are associated with increasing sex drive. This brings a whole new meaning of eating an apple a day...but this time to have a better sexual lifestyle. Include apples in your diet by slicing them up and dipping them in peanut butter or try out your grandmother's apple pie recipe...

ASPARAGUS consists of a high amount of vitamin E which increases blood and oxygen flow to our genitals. This vegetable also contains high levels of potassium which is connected to sex hormone production. Nothing beats some roasted asparagus that was sprinkled in olive oil and a dash of sea salt and pepper. And let's not forget wrapping them up in bacon! You have permission to play with your food by picking it up with your hands and showing off your sexy nibbling skills...

AVOCADOS are the Aztec word "ahucatl" which means testicle. If that's not sexy enough, this food provides high levels of folic acid and vitamin B9 which provides more energy for sex. Avocados are great in smoothies, on toast, or simply peeled and eaten directly...

BANANAS are high in potassium, riboflavin, and vitamin B2 which keeps you energized during sex. Also, just the phallic shape itself would get anyone in the mood. This fruit is great sliced up in granola, yogurt, and smoothies or peeled and eaten as is ...

CHERRIES are that sexy fruit that contains potassium, vitamin C, anthocyanin, and antioxidants that reduce inflammation and assist with maintaining a healthy sex drive. After eating the cherry, feel free to show off your stem tying skills...

CHOCOLATE, especially dark chocolate, contains phenylethylamine which is a stimulant that elicits sexual excitement and well-being. This food is also considered a natural caffeine that provides energy. What can I say, chocolate dipped anything sounds both yummy and sexy...

COFFEE is another caffeine source that increases stamina and sexual mood. This beverage also increases dopamine which increases sexual desire and pleasure. That morning cup of coffee is the reason why some of us are looking for a "quickie" during lunch time...

FIGS are considered a sexual stimulant due to being high in amino acids which boost sexual stamina and increase libido.

GINSENG helps with libido and sexual performance. This herb is mostly consumed in teas...

HONEY was once prescribed by Hippocrates in ancient Greece for sexual vitality. Also known as "liquid gold", honey contains boron which regulates hormone levels. Nitric oxide is another key component to honey that increases blood flow by opening up blood vessels involved in creating clitoral engorgement. This food is great as a natural sweetener in teas and smoothies or as a yummy dessert when poured on your sexual partner and licked off...

HOT CHILI PEPPERS contain capsaicin (responsible for making peppers spicy) which stimulates nerve endings on our tongue which then releases epinephrine (adrenaline). Epinephrine increases heart rate and releases endorphins (natural opiates). All of these components contribute to a healthy sex drive. If they get too hot for you, make sure to have some milk near by...

OYSTERS are the most popular aphrodisiac which contains dopamine, the brain chemical that increases our sexual desire. Who doesn't love slurping this food up with their tongue while gazing at that sexy eye candy across the table?

POMEGRANATES are super antioxidants that reduce inflammation and increases blood flow all over our body, especially our erogenous areas. This exotic fruit can be enjoyed by eating the seeds and/or drinking the juice. Try adding one or the other in your next glass of champagne...

RED WINE contains resveratrol which is another antioxidant that helps blood flow and increases our sexual desire. One or two glasses will do the trick. Nothing like a good Malbec to get in the mood...

SAFFRON has been considered an aphrodisiac as far back as Cleopatra who was reportedly bathing in saffron-infused milk due to its sexual effects. This spice can also decrease some of the negative sexual side effects affiliated with certain anti-depressants. Next time get a second helping of that saffron risotto...

SALMON is high in omega-3 fatty acids which helps our libido by increasing production of our sex hormones: estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone. Enjoy it as a filet or in your next sushi roll...

STRAWBERRIES, according to legend, originated from the heart-shaped tears of Aphrodite (Greek goddess of love) after hearing that her lover, Adonis, was dead. This fruit is loaded with vitamin C which increases sex hormone production and libido. Throw some strawberries in a smoothie or on top of your yogurt...

VANILLA is a natural aphrodisiac that not only smells seductive but creates an overall calming effect on us which explains why those scoops of ice cream make us feel so sexy...

WATERMELON has been made even more popular after Beyonce's sexual reference in her song, Drunk in Love. This fruit is high in citruline which is a phytonutrient that increases nitric acid in our body. Nitric acid increases blood flow, blood vessel relaxation, and sexual arousal. "I've been drinking watermelon..."

Now that these sexy foods and beverages have been revealed, feel free to sexually indulge! And remember to make healthy sexual decisions in the process...
Out with Mammy, Jezebel, and Sapphire...In with Cupcake Noire!